Sunday, October 11, 2009

The worst week EVER!!!

Forget about the appendix deciding that I didn't make a happy home for him anymore, forget about the fact that I was supposed to write exams and was stressing about the studying, (which didn't happen in the end - with the op and all) and forget about the pain afterwards. Think, sick baby, as in SUPER sick...

Josh took a MAJOR turn for a cold on thursday, he had this little cough wednesday, nothing serious and nothing prospan couldn't fix, or so I thought. Daddy fetched him from creche on Thursday afternoon with a snotty nose, a horrible cough and he was warm to the touch (although he never went over 37.1, but he was still VERY VERY hot, sweaty, red, hot) they said he didn't want to drink much, he ate like a champ, but the drinking was almost non existent. Although it took some effort to first get him to eat, but as soon as he was going he would gulp everything down. Thank goodness for that atleast. So we decided we will keep him home on Friday, seeing that I am home, and we don't want him to make the other babies sick... Oh my lord, what a night! We maybe slept 1 hour in total... He would cough so much that it would start to hurt, you could see the real intensity of the cough, almost from his stomach. He would cry more, as it was sore and then there would be too much phlegm, which would make him puke. "Lather, rinse, repeat" every 30 minutes or so... He would sleep, sweaty, not covered, warm, only in his vest, real intense and deep breathing and you could just see this little body is really not on. (Now between all of this daddy had to take him out of the cot for me and put him back, etc, I tried, but it was so deep and I was still a bit eina)

Took him to the paed on Friday morning, apparently he has a cold, and a VERY serious case of thrush, but in the back of his throat, that's why I couldn't see it. WTF! And that is what is making it so sore at the moment. (Creche, damn you! She said it's probably the way they sterilise the spoons and bowls, Milton more specific, I use a steam steriliser, which is perfect according to her) So off we went to get some meds for him. By now the couching and crying has been so rough on his little vocal cords that he is hoarse, sometimes you can't even hear him cry as there is just no sound! That had my heart in pieces, he tried so hard to make a sound, to cry, you can't hear him... So much going on man...

Friday night was the same, not much sleep for us, which means not much studying either. Cry, cough, puke, snot, phlegm, you name it... Saturday was better at times, the night was better, as he slept for the first time for longer than 1 hour at a time, without coughing himself awake and then crying for the next 15 minutes. He was so tired by the weekend, cause he himself hardly slept. He woke twice during saturday night, so that was better... Still all slimy and all, but better. Sunday and yesterday so far was the same, sleep from 7pm till about 24h00, without a sound or a cough and then it starts, coughing and coughing and coughing, you can hear the slime and the snot is there and he is trying so hard to get it out, but it doesn't want to budge. Eventually at around 4am he will drink something, puke up the milk and slime, drink the rest and then go to sleep till around 7. He is now sleeping again. Inbetween he gets bits and pieces of playful times, smiling, chatting, rolling on the floor. But most of the time he is sleeping. He is still snotty and very phlegmy... I kind of feel we have reached the peak and it will now just go downhill, let's hope so.

Oh and to top it all off, STUPID mommy licks the spoons and syringes after I give him his meds (Just automatically happens) so...... I got sick too! All coughy and phlegmy at the moment... NICE!

This past week = MAJOR chaos...


  1. hI MONZ
    Jong ek het ook so met myne gesukkel. jy gaan hom moet fisio toe vat om daai slympies uit te kry of a baby vacc om dit uit te suig. Jong jy moet hom maar bietjie panado gee om net rustig te maak en dit help vir die seer in die bors. Probeer 'n kussing onder sy matras sit sodat hy teen 'n helling lê dan sal die hoes ook beter wees. Jong ek dink aan jou, sukkel nou al drie maande so met myne en lyk my die antibiotika het die ding gedoen

  2. Shame Monz, dis aaklig! Ek hoop julle tweetjies voel sommer gou beter!
    *drukkies vir julle*


  3. Shame, that sounds like a week from hell. At least his fever wasn't too bad, but the coughing an phlem sounds awful. Hope you both feel much better soon.
