Thursday, September 3, 2009


So, my baby is sick, have been up since 2am this morning with him vomiting pure slimy yellow bile, shame, his stomach is so empty and you can feel how much effort it is for him to get that stuff out, it smells and he is just so weak... But it's looking better, as updated on OPM, it is gastro, but it's under control at the moment, it's more the top than the bottom. Paed booked a bed however for tonight should things turn, then atleast we know we can just go to the ward and we don't have to worry. I do believe it won't go that far as he had now managed to drink a total of 375ml rehidrat (250 of which he kept down) and 125ml of rooibos tea, also kept it down so far, only had 6 episodes of vomiting so far since 2am, so it slowed down... He is sleeping mostly and not as weak now as he was this morning, he couldn't even open his eyes, and wasn't even crying, seemed like too much effort, only whimpering. He was feeling cold but sweating and then the vomit would start, so it was a bit confusing... 3am we went to the emergency room and there they just made sure he wasn't dehydrated, and gave him some meds... So now all seems okay for the moment.

Me, I am good, have this weirdest pain in my lower back, more to the side, last week it was on the left now it's on the right. When I was sick it seemed I had a slight bladder infection and had antibiotics for everything, surely it can't be back? I have no other pain or burning, just the very uncomfy feeling. Also, it feels like it's "pulling" like ligaments, ya, so much so that I POAS yesterday just to make sure. Seeing that I forgot about the antibiotics and the pill (hadn't been on it in such a long time and only remembered like yesterday, shit, but that combination doesn't work?) Also, since breastfeeding and being on PURE EVIL microval I had gotten used to a regular (normal) 2 weekly cycle, for which I am still late at this stage, so I am waiting it out. I don't know if with the less breastfeeding (only once a day now) seeing that Josh doesn't want mommy's boobies anymore during the day (which by the way made me feel majorly rejected) or if FINALLY the pill has just settled into an actual normal 28day cycle like I always had. So I am waiting... Honestly, a few weeks back if this hit me I would have been like, YES!! Now, I am still broody, but I just know it's not the right time. Not yet... But whatever happens will happen...

This morning seeing that Josh has no appetite and I am paranoid that the limited amount of breastfeeding I have left per day will dry up if I don't use it wisely, I expressed again for the first real time in ages... Just to keep the supply going. I was busy, it was sucking, Josh was moaning and I unplugged the pump still attached to my breast, still in full vacuum mode and went to check on him, not releasing the valve or whatever, so it was sucking and sucking and sucking like a hikey and eventually I ended up with bloody nipples all around... Lekker, this day is AWESOME!

The ants are attacking us inch by inch again, probably going to carry us out of our house alive by next week. We are seriously having a problem here, they are everywhere, in the house, in the skirtings, in the bathroom, in our room, under the floors, in the bath, under the bath, in the walls, in our cupboards, in the ceiling (I promise you), in the LAUNDRY basket.... I hate the Fuckers...

I am a bit moody, sorry, maybe I am just getting tired now, this day has just taken a lot out of me without actually realising it....

Chat again soon...


  1. Oh Monz, I will move!!! I am soooo pathetic! I am seriously VERY VERY VERY scared of Ants! Everyone has their weird things and mine are ants! I wont even come close to them! THEY FREAK ME OUT!

    When we had the foster boys I was forced to watch freaking ant bully EVERYDAY 20 times.... I didnt feel sorry for the ants, they freaking scared me! Stupid i know!

    As for Joshy, i hope he gets better soon! Poor babe! But, it sounds better! xxx

  2. Sorry to hear Josh was under the weather.. I also had an ant infestation.. Those "Ant Trap" thingies works very well.. Else just use Talc Powder they loose their "scent" in it
