Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Yip, I have Pharyngitis, mixed it together and beat till fluffy - with the cold and flu - and just to top it, a little icing a.k.a - bladder infection -, cherry on top! Serve with a cup of self pity and enjoy! Blegh! Off to bed!!!

Pharyngitis is a sore throat caused by inflammation of the back of the throat. Your throat may be scratchy and swallowing can be painful. Usually a sore throat is the sign of another illness, such as a cold or the flu. Unless you have a bacterial infection, taking antibiotics doesn't help a sore throat. In fact, most sore throats go away on their own in a week or less.

Signs and Symptoms:
The symptoms that accompany a sore thorat can vary, depending on what the underling illness is.

Sore throat with cold
•A low fever (less than 102 degrees)
•Mild headache
Sore throat with flu

•Body aches
•Fever higher than 102 degrees
Sore throat with mononucleosis

•Enlarged lymph nodes in neck and armpits
•Swollen tonsils
•Loss of appetite
•Swollen spleen
•Liver inflammation


  1. Jou arme, arme ding!! Hou duimvas jy voel sommer gou beter.


  2. Shame hun! That isnt very nice :( Hope you get better soon!!

    Hubby better look after you!!
