Monday, August 31, 2009

Last day of fun.

After 23 weeks in the world (and 40 weeks inside me - so basically 63 weeks of me and him) spending time with my little one, seeing him basically 24/7, never having anyone else babysit so far, has come to an end... This is our last day together, just me and him, all day long.

Tomorrow he starts school!!! Even if it's just half day, I am near tears already and hubby isn't taking it too well either... He said he never thought it would be such a major thing, but it is. And although we have already been there and Josh is smiling to everyone and we know he has NO issue going to strange people, obviously we are the ones taking it the hardest. Hubby is taking a half day's leave tomorrow, maybe we'll go watch a movie or something, to keep our minds off this... And maybe spending some time just the 2 of us will be fun, kind of forgot how that feels like and we haven't had "alone" time in the past 5 months... Not that we "crave" it, yes, it will be fun, but we never thought we need it so far. Maybe we just got used to sharing time...

Back to Josh: He is going to be very happy there, I know it. It is the most fun place I have ever seen: "Prinsies en Prinsessies" the school is built like a castle, with the little flags on the corners and pictures of princes and princesses on the walls. High security, very neat and clean and the kiddies stay there from 3 months to Gr.0, so no moving to a "bigger" creche later and that means they will make friends that they will most probably go to the same school with in the end.

I still have a few things to shop for today that he needs to take with, but mostly everything is done. Just now to mark it all...

Ugh, the more I think of this, the more I want to just NOT do it, but I know there is no turning back now, fees are paid, he is starting tomorrow... And then, 2 weeks from now, I am back at work. YUCK!

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