Monday, August 17, 2009

The shite is going to hit the fan!

After YEARS of contemplating and walking in to do it, then only to phone my mom and ask if I should (because I know myself better and hearing her say no I shouldn't - something I already knew - just made me feel better) I finally did it. I applied for a credit card. SHITE!

I am an impulsive person, heavy impulsive, not even a R10000 clothing account will freak me out, I don't know, I just worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Now, I shop and spend and buy what I want and "be-happy-in-the-moment"... Eish, maybe a lifestyle change will be good. But now, I have this THING, and I am already making plans. I will just have to keep myself organised and only use it for the initial purpose I applied for it in the first place. **Pick n Pay online shopping** Ting ting ting!!! My newest discovery and a marvelous one indeed, what is better than picking everything online, paying with my now BRAND new card (as I don't want to use hubby's everytime and then have to pay it back to him bla bla bla, just toooooo much schlep) and have them deliver it to my door the next day. Heaven I tell you, heaven...

I am already setting up my "shopping cart" for the end of the month, just have to send, authorise, pay and get it delivered when ready. Love it!


  1. Just dont get yourself into debt like I have!! 2 credit cards and 3 clothing accounts. ***sigh****

  2. Woops! Dont be like me! Set ourself a limit and STICK to it! If you rech it, take the card, give to DH and take it back at teh end of the month! blush

    DH did that to me... I freaked out! hehe


  3. I don't have one. To quote Oprah: "I'm scurred"...

  4. I'm also scurred, very very scurred, but it's done, and I have to power through!!!

    Oh I will be very strict ladies, very strict.... Lol!
