Friday, August 28, 2009


So, Honey inspired me with this thread on OPM yesterday which totally turned into something else I think... It was about something you can do (a talent) that nobody knows and turned out to be everyone's OCD's. (Which I think we all have, in some sort of form, even if you don't actually know it's an OCD, we all have SOMETHING)

I am listing mine: (This post will be added to, as I think of more)

* I have to hear a click when I fasted Joshua's poppers on his clothes, no click = then I will unfasten it and fasten it again, so that it makes a sound.
* I have to sleep with curtains closed shut, as in, not even a crack open allowing light to come through, even if I close my eyes and turn away I won't be able to sleep, because I know the light is looking at me.
* Even the PC or radio will either be switched off or turned away so I can't see the damn light, but the little flickering of the monitor will keep me awake.
* I have to take a sip from the coldrink that I make before handing it to the person (yip, they don't see it)
* The toilet paper MUST hang from the back, I will freak out if it doesn't.
* I have to sleep with closed windows (the ones I can see and will know of during the night - if I am at someone else's place), I will close every window in the house, no matter where I sleep, too bad for the people who's house it is...
* I have to sleep with something over me, even if it's just the sheet, no matter how hot.
* Colourcoding, blue caps on blue bottles, red caps on red bottles... Etc.
* Things HAVE to be in the perfect, equal to both sides, spot on the wall, I will measure for 45 minutes to get the spot up to the mm before hubby can drill the hole.
* I have to have my ear covered by either the duvet or the sheet at night, otherwise I can't sleep.
* I sometimes find myself counting the amount of chews per swallow, if it ends on an odd number, I will chew once more so that it's even.
* The same with drinking, when I get to the last sip of a coldrink and it's odd, I will sip twice on the last bit, no matter how little the amount left, just so it ends on an even number.
* I have tried, I can't sleep commando... If I fall asleep without some "undergarments", I will eventually wake up from it, get up and just put some on, could never master that art.
* I have to leave my teabag in my cup while drinking it.
* I always page a magazine from back to front first, just to see what's inside, then I start reading from front to back.
* I tap my toothbrush twice after brushing on the basin, don't know why, but always do.
* I drink water directly from the tap (yes, it might be gross, I can't do it any other way)
* I tap my soda can with my finger nails on the top before opening it.
* I can't suck a lollipop, I eat it.
* I always switch the light on when I go to the bathroom even if it's day time.
* I always fill the toilet bowl with paper before... you know.
* I have to wear a "full" panty when I go to bed - no strings for me at night, sad I know.


  1. I am just like you when it comes to the curtains having to be closed properly, and the lights from the tv or radio keeping me awake!!!!
    Oh I also cant sleep commando!

  2. I m with you on the toiletpaper in the bowl (haha), the not being able to sleep without being covered, sleeping with closed windows and switching bathroom lights on always ;)
